Modern Labs
We have integrated labs where students can perform all science & Tech related experiments under the proper guidance of teacher.
Swimming pool
We offer incredible swimming lessons specially designed to make learning fun through guided play for beginners from 4 months to 15 years old.
Modern hostels
A home away from home are our modern hostels in which students are under the guidance of the In-charge, hence comfort and safety are assured.
huge classrooms
We have spacious well ventilated classrooms as we know the importance of the physical learning environment. Our classrooms are nearly twice the required size to allow for plenty of space to explore and learn.
hot shower solar heaters
We have invested in high-efficiency appliances that use dedicated solar connectors on the rooftop to draw power from the sun and use it to heat school water for general sanitation purposes.
staff houses
The school administration has implemented creative solutions to be able to keep staff in close proximity reducing inconveniences in academic enhancement programs and activities